Thursday, October 28, 2010

movin' here

saia pindah ke sini brader sistah : coffeesleepy

si ya there ;)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Profile Picture

I just dunno why .. I love this photograph much!

Took by my friend when (I still have those chubby cheeks, lol) we're in TransJogja for going away to go to Benteng Vredeburg

I Love You, Friends

Could you see my name, Desi Puspitasari, among those names?

Ditulis rame-rame oleh Tasaro Gk, Sinta Yudisia, Melvi Yendra, Ifa Avianty, Ade Nastiti, Desi Puspitasari, Lia Octavia, Fatih Beeman, Ummu Ragib, Sitty Asiah, Riza Rahmi, Hayati Rahmah, Azzura Dayana, dll.


I Love You, Friends!
Kisah-kisah Mengharukan tentang Persahabatan
Lingkar Pena Publishing House, Juni 2010
ISBN 978-602-8436-60-1



Friendship isn't how you forget but how you forgive,
Not how you listen but how you understand,
Not what you see but what you feel,
and not how you let go but how you hold on. (Anonymous)


Saking ‘hebat’nya makna sahabat, Aristoteles sampai mengatakan bahwa sahabat laksana satu jiwa yang terdapat dalam dua tubuh. Dan lihatlah, betapa memang sahabat dihargai karena kesetiaannya dan penerimaannya terhadap apa adanya kita, bukan terhadap ada-apanya kita.

Tapi, apa yang terjadi jika sahabat kita berubah? Atau bahkan, tanpa kita sadari kitalah yang berubah sebagai sahabat?
Kisah-kisah nyata di dalam buku ini bercerita tentang segala hal yang dapat terjadi di dalam sebuah persahabatan. Kegembiraan, kehebohan, kemarahan, tangisan, hingga kehadiran cinta yang terasa unik.

Sangat inspiratif, menggetarkan, dan mengajak kita untuk meninjau ulang relief persahabatan yang kita miliki. Masihkah ia berharga, atau tak perlu lagi kita jaga?


Yay, yeap, this is my newest book (you can read one of my written in it) with others.

Please, enjoy :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

I Ever Got a Poem

Maybe im a kinda inspiring girl (or woman?). Lol.

This is a poem from my friend Lian Kagura. I just found it in my campur-aduk folder when I was looking for some old file. I thought this is like a cute memory to share it here. It was about a year ago—more.


Menunggumu Desi

Adalah senja yang patah di persimpangan jalan itu

Sementara orangorang lalu lalang dan Bus Trans Yogja pergi pulang

Di sepanjang jalan itu pohonpohon lindap dalam gema

Dialek jawa dan suara mesin kereta

Seperti menarik kita pada pergantian detik yang lama

Lalu waktu adalah sepasang rel

Yang merindu di Stasiun Tugu

Menunggumu Desi

Adalah jalan Malioboro yang riuh

Sederet warung lesehan dan toko batik

Yang lampulampunya nyaris membutakan mata kita

Kemudian barisan motor yang berjejer di sepanjang trotoar

Obrolan orangorang dan senyuman manis para turis

Dan malam menyerap aroma keringat kita

Yang mengental pada cuaca

Di gaduh jalan itu aku masih dapat menangkap sungai

Yang mengalir lambatlambat di kepalamu dan pencarian entingenting itu

Adalah petualangan pertamaku. Ah, bulan di atas jalan belum juga

Menampakan wajahnya yang lucu. Sedang kedua temanku sibuk

Membekap bayangbayang lampu di sekitar kita. Sampai aroma lapar

Membangkitkan segala selera dan kita berjalan ke arah utara

Menunggumu Desi

Adalah kopi yang tumpah di malam itu

Nasi kucing dan beberapa gorengan kering

Bagaimana bila kita dudukduduk sambil terus menertawakan diri

Dalam remang dan selembar tikar. Sebentar kita teringat pada

Perjalanan panjang menyusuri rel dari stasiun ke stasiun

Sementara kecurigaan kita pada arang yang berenang

Di dalam gelas kopi mulai menghilang

Kemudian orangorang semakin riuh di jalanan


Sweet, eh?

You can also read it

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


What do I miss so much when i'm getting fasting--just like for today?

COFFEE--with a very special capital

Monday, May 24, 2010


My future big dream is becomin' fotographer. I still only bein' a writer right now, collecting money to buy digital SLR. Someday, sooner, i hope i can reach the next profession, so I can be a writer also photographer. Amien.

Last Sunday, I went Keraton Yogyakarta with my two girl friends. There, with my friend's digital pocket camera i took some pictures. And with a lil' bit editing with photoscape, here there are the result of my shoots. Enjoy :)

model: Leny Dewi

photographer: Desi Puspitasari

stuff: Gusnita Aini's digital pocket camera

Location: kraton Yogyakarta

And this is me with my model, lol

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Kota Gede on Sunday

I had a very beautiful sunny day on this Sunday. Spent almost three or four hours with walked, took photographs, and ate with my lovely bestfriend, Gusnita.

Well this is about Kota Gede. I took it from here.

Kota Gede also known as Pasar Gede - is an archaeological site in Yogyakarta that contains the remains of the kraton (palace), the royal graveyard, and royal mosque of Mataram, dated from the late 1500s and early 1600s.

The honorable name of this location in a higher and more respectful level of Javanese language (Kromo) is Pasar Gede.

There are many legends and local tales connects the site to the Mataram palace, however much of the physical remnants of the palace and the capital city are already destroyed. The only parts that remains quite intact are the Kota Gede royal mosque, the royal graveyard (precursor to Imogiri), and a few sections of the original palace walls.

The city lost its prestigue when the center of power was shifted to Kartasura near modern Surakarta. The city further lost its political and cultural significance after replaced by Imogiri as the royal cemetery for the sultanates. Later sultanate of Mataram was split between Yogyakarta Sultanate and Surakarta.

The Royal Graveyard holds important graves that trace connections of Mataram with earlier kingdoms, and the placement of the graves within the covered area of the graveyard can be considered as a physical representation of 'silsilah' or genealogy of the rulers and their progenitors. It is guarded and maintained by Juru Kunci who are employed by the two palaces of Yogyakarta and Surakarta.

In mid-twentieth century, Kota Gede became synonymous with silverworks and silver handycrafts, since the area has become the home of silversmith in Yogyakarta. At the time of Indonesian independence in the 1940s, and after considerable promotion and publicity to the silverworks within this locality, Kota Gede gain popularity as the center of Javanese silver handycraft.

During the expansion of Yogyakarta city in the late twentieth century, Kota Gede was absorbed into Yogyakarta and has become merely a suburb within the city.

And you can also read about Kota Gede in here.

Well, and here are our photographs. Enjoy :)

These are in front of some old houses near Masjid Agung. We just walked through narrow street beside the mosque.

Love this green and beautiful house. The wall wrapped by leaves--i don't know what the plant name.

And these... i took her in narrow street of Kota Gede--i don't what it is name too (pardonezz moi). It almost crowded. Motorcycle or bicycle passed between us. Need a ot patient waiting the street to be a little quiet--no vehicles passed front of us.